Welcome to Storehouse Social.

A visionary, creative, communal HOMEstead supporting the growth & sustainability of PEACE on Earth.

Come on in....and come as YOU are...

Welcome to our global Storehouse Homestead...a virtual HOMEstead architected to support a visionary, creative, communal NETWORK and commUNITY supporting the growth and sustainability of PEACE on Earth.

Whaaaa?!?!!? A virtual homestead, that's being built into a physical one, for creative people designing a more peaceful world?! How cool is THAT?!

Storehouse Social is where modern-day free spirits, creatives, philosophers, Opti-mystics, philanthropists & humanitarians gather to imagine and truly create a world of PEACE, sustainability, commUNITY, wellness, and belly laughs.

Inspired by Vidette’s desire to re-design life AS the true free Spirit she is and to connect & socialize with a light-hearted community in more intimate ways, Storehouse Social was designed. It is a visionary, creative, communal HOMEstead supporting & experiencing the growth, sustainability, & abundance that comes when PEACE is the blueprint of a re-designed, rehabilitated HOME. HOME has many meanings, and The Storehouse nurtures ALL of them.

We unequivocally KNOW now living in imbalance, dis-ease, anxiety, and fear eventually lead to the deconstruction of life. We unequivocally also know that living in PEACE causes ALL of life to unify, multiply, & expands it into expressed beauty one has never known. It nurtures your Spirit & sustains the HOME that holds the Spirit. The Home is to be a sanctuary for the Soul in ALL ways, & this creative commUNITY is ideating, creating, designing & expanding all parts of this homestead, within AND without to be that sanctuary for your Soul!

Step into the Storehouse and RECEIVE a sacred global commUNITY, a welcoming “watering hole” of imaginative Souls, and THE SPACE to jump-start your Spirit to what matters most…transitioning your world to one of PEACE so you can freely & abundantly live the life you are destined to live.

"You were born a Masterpiece. Here to master PEACE" ~ KEY Holder Kat K.


Legend has it, that lying deep within the infinite abyss of YOU, lies an energetic vault called the Storehouse. The Storehouse is the Source of all sustenance, creativity, currency, health, well-being, abundance & prosperity for the human BE-ing. It’s the space within that houses the divine blueprint of your Soul and it is designed to live ALL of life healthy, FULLY-expressed, & abundantly. It is only unlocked and accessed when YOU reach higher levels of consciousness where the frequency of being matches the currency of the Storehouse. Once the door to the Storehouse is unlocked with the vibrational match, you experience unlimited access to withdrawing currency from the Storehouse whenever your Spirit requires it. It provides all the sustenance required for YOU to be FULLY YOU so you enter an existence beyond the "normal" world.

That legend rings true and many are choosing the road less traveled in search of the legendary Storehouse. It’s an unknown world and one that we know is only accessed from the world of PEACE. We must find the doorway to that world, cross the threshold, and travel the pathway in search for the KEY that unlocks the door to the Storehouse where we collect the FORTUNE that lies within.

It’s a modern-day Gold Rush, but instead of mining for gold in the world outside, we’re mining for CURRENCY from the infinite Source within that sustains ALL of life.

It’s a legendary tale and many of us have traveled this pathway and hold KEYS to the shortcuts, secret doorways, and hallways that lead to the Storehouse of PEACE and abundance. We pass on these KEYS through connection, stories, and gatherings that touch the Spirit starting with a virtual & in-person network of incredible people willing to walk the path less traveled to create a better world for all.

In Storehouse Social, we are pioneering INTO the legendary world the Storehouse offers. We explore, connect, share, & create together in a virtual homestead designed to unlock the very SOULFUL BEST of YOU. AS we create this world within the HOMEstead, we start to see it being created around us. 

Storehouse Social is here to care for you, Sweet Soul. It’s a social network that actually cares about TRUE connection. We are here to nurture your Spirit, expand your mind, soothe anxiety, tickle your funny bone, and inspire you until you transition to being LEGENDARY YOU sustained by the Storehouse! Your FULL essence is rooted in PEACE here and it’s only when YOUR world is at PEACE, can YOU be a channel of it in the greater world around YOU. When our global, Storehouse commUNITY is at PEACE, we create a network of it around our planet. WE create PEACE ON EARTH. And, we do that starting with the inner world of the Storehouse where we are then PAID abundantly for our work pioneering a world that does not exist….yet.

Step into the magical, virtual architecture of The Storehouse, the “home” space that provisions, nurtures, & sustains YOU. It is a sacred place…a sacred source of other-worldly abundance.”

Each time you enter the Storehouse, you’ll have access to all spaces of the Storehouse. Imagine it to be a rustic, cozy HOMEstead sitting on a farm with rolling hills, gardens, a rushing creek, and 2 farm dogs named Pepe & Priya. They protect the Storehouse keeping all dangerous and ill-intentioned energies away. They keep the HOMEsteadd safe.

The unique thing about the Storehouse is that it is always expanding. As new ideas, curiosities, & questions arise in our commUNITY, we explore them deeper by creating a space for that topic to be explored. KEY holders help take care of and hold space for the Storehouse by offering their own unique wisdom and stories to our community. Between Vidette, her Keyholders, and the rest of the SHS family, there is most likely someone around the Storehouse to connect with. Want some time alone? Meander into a room, make yourself comfortable, and digest some of the greater mysteries held within the Storehouse Homestead.

If you haven’t realized yet, the Storehouse is a divine reflection of YOU in the form of a virtual HOMEstead ready to BE a sanctuary for your Soul to remember who YOU are. You’ll receive live virtual access to co-creator Vidette, her co-creative Pillars of PEACE,  KEY holders, and those of “like hearts” through soulful gatherings around the Storehouse.

Our gatherings run the gamut of sacred solace, to irreverent conversations in the garden on Friday night, to group readings in the theatre, to cozy contemplations around the fire. For those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of life, gather with us weekly in the Study. Our current study is deconstructing the quantum mechanics of Nikola Tesla’s 369 process for turning energy into manifested matter. RIGHT?!?! We’ve got some POWERFUL badasses in the Storehouse that are pioneering into futuristic sh*t!! Oh, did I mention we are sacred souls with sometimes irreverent mouths, so……come AS YOU are!!!

Want to rest your brain and RESTORE YOUR PEACE? 

Then come into the Meditation room to enjoy a hypno-meditation journey into another realm. Meet up in the main Living Room to see who is in the Storehouse and find out what events are happening within. In the Storehouse, you receive a unique smattering of connection, introspective contemplation, deep discussion, sacred silence, and expanding PEACE. It is truly created to be a sanctuary for your Soul to enter and re-MEMBER what a dynamic and purposeful BE-ing YOU really are. That is why Vidette lives IN the Storehouse and is available in service to YOU administering to your PEACE. If you are called to the Storehouse, come on in. You are a guest here, and it is her soul's mission to be a caretaker to your Soul. She takes her job seriously, therefore, she spends her time in service to her Storehouse friends, floating around the HOMEstead refreshing each room weekly, leaving little gifts of magick...a.k.a. the "currency" of the Storehouse, that lead to YOUR NEW experience of PEACE when you enter the Storehouse. You will be guided through the Storehouse based on curiosity alone. Here, we encourage you to enter into the spaces that tweak your curiosity & inspire you to go deeper.

Oh, and ALL are welcome here. We’re pretty down to Earth. You’ll enjoy your time here most if you have an open mind, a deep desire, (and willingness), to explore the greater mysteries of life, and have an “atrophied” funny bone that needs to be worked out with some good, ole fashioned “hanging out around the firepit” kind of life again. This isn’t any ordinary home, it’s a quantum one, therefore, we are very aware that our thoughts & feelings create reality, therefore, what happens in the Storehouse is only for the higher GOOD of ALL who enter…we are here to create a world of PEACE, therefore, we have the deeper discussions required to actually talk the talk and walk the walk of creating a world of PEACE. No matter what your outer reality looks like, if you feel the heart-call for deeper connection, meaning, and PEACE in your life, Sweet Soul, step into our virtual homestead and let us take care of your Spirit.

Sound like a LEGEND you’d like to search for with others like you? YOU are invited into the Storehouse. Our only intention here is to make your world better. The Storehouse is a communal home, therefore, we ask our global Soul Family to contribute to the upkeep, support, sustainability, and ongoing work that is required of the key holders of the Storehouse to keep it abundant, sustainable, healthy, vibrant, and PEACE-FULL for YOU every time you visit. You can support the Storehouse with a monthly contribution.

Not sure? Come on in for a 3-day restoration retreat and get a feel for the PEACE within. You can always decide to stay a while and contribute monthly...

YOU deserve MUCH more than the outer world has to offer, therefore, let’s explore the unknown world of creating sustainable POWER from within….LEADING YOU into a higher existence of PEACE. THAT is why we have a lot of creatives, dreamers, & healers in here. WE are the ones that can already SEE and BELIEVE that a more peaceful world exists and we’re brave enough to find it and CLAIM IT.

We also believe in the mystery of life. What lies behind the threshold of the Storehouse is a mystery. It's created to beckon from within & those who resonate will just know to come on in. We'll leave the LIGHT on for YOU.

Read our Storehouse Social Sovereignty Agreement here